Debra Wagoner

Debra Wagoner

Monday, January 4, 2010

Moving on....

What a lovely weekend. Sorry to see it go. Now, it's onward with 2010, and down with all the decorations, bleh. The twinkling lights and sparkly ornaments are the only things I actually ENJOY during the holidays. Oh well. It's cold out, so I can still light candles and fake logs in the fireplace. Just as nice.

Alot of folks have proclaimed that this will be the best year ever! Or that a new decade has begun. I sort of thought that a new decade actually started in 2011. As for it being the best year ever, it's unfortunately questionable for us. Not because I'm a terminally "glass half-empty" person. It's truly circumstances beyond my control this time. But I'm all for everyone else having the best year ever. Go for it. Joe and I also made no resolutions this year either. Let me tell you, takes alot of pressure off. I think we both already know that we're doing the best we can. We get up everyday, move forward, hold on, and love each other. Even if it's not the best year ever, doing those things will make it pretty damn good.


  1. Sorry about the FB thing. I actually went on tonight to see if you caught the NPR Game Show yesterday afternoon. Karl Castle was asking Brian Williams questions about Florance Foster Jenkins. I thought of you immediately, then they played a little bit of her Carnegie Hall performance. I hope you heard the game, it was wonderful. Go to, I bet they have it.

  2. Thanks Dawn! I wonder-- is FFJ popping up more and more these days, or are we just noticing it more? I love knowing about her, though! What a great lady! :-)

  3. That show on Sunday was actually a re-broadcast of some of the best shows of 2009. The original "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me..." with FFJ occurred last Fall, right about the time we were getting ready to start "Souvenir"!

  4. I never make resolutions. I used to resolve every year to quit smoking. It never worked until I was finally sufficiently motivated to make the change (motivation being that I wanted to continue breathing).

    "The best year ever" is a subjective thing. It's all in how you interpret your life's events. There are always many ways to view one's situation.

    I wish you not just a happy year. I wish you the clarity to see at least some joy in every day, and I wish that that joy will be the last thing you think of when you go to sleep.
